How do you get SLC locals to visit the newest, most energetic, inspirational, colorful and multi-functional campus in the city?
Our answer for evo was to create a campaign that’s equally colorful and inspiring as everything found inside of their walls. With the Pacific Northwest natives being new to town, our campaign needed to capture the energy, vibrancy and creativity of this new gem and drive awareness up and down the Wasatch Front. Is it a skatepark? Yes. Is it a hotel? Absolutely. Does it have a retail experience that rivals all of the recreation found here on the Wasatch Front? Of course.
From the outside, the evo campus is kind of nondescript. What goes on in there? How do I find this place everyone is talking about? This campaign featured brand-forward visuals filled with intrigue. From billboard, OOH and custom direct mailers with die-cut stickers to digital display ads and custom IG stickers we brought the color and energy of evo into consideration for homes here in SLC.
If you know you know. #iykyk